Make your list, check it twice and get ready for Holiday Gravelpalooza! That's right, Joy Ride is helping you get ready for the holidays with a gravel trip in the Capitol Forest.
This route will consist of 3 loops, so have as many helpings of uphill, gravel, trails and road as you would like. In the true spirit of Gravelpalooza this will be a no-drop ride, but we do ask that you bring your Capitol Forest fitness, if you have been to our gravel rides before you know why, more often than not, the gradients tilts uphill in the Cap!
We will gather and depart from Margaret McKenny Campground at 9 am on December 19th. Let us know if you have any questions. We encourage you to bring spare gloves, your waterproof gear and your holiday gravel spirit.
Love, The Joy Ride Gravelpalooza Team
This route will consist of 3 loops, so have as many helpings of uphill, gravel, trails and road as you would like. In the true spirit of Gravelpalooza this will be a no-drop ride, but we do ask that you bring your Capitol Forest fitness, if you have been to our gravel rides before you know why, more often than not, the gradients tilts uphill in the Cap!
We will gather and depart from Margaret McKenny Campground at 9 am on December 19th. Let us know if you have any questions. We encourage you to bring spare gloves, your waterproof gear and your holiday gravel spirit.
Love, The Joy Ride Gravelpalooza Team