Its fall again, that means manageable temperatures, tacky trails, slick leaves, and another semi-annualish Joy Ride Demo Day!
Come play bikes with us on October 10th from 10am to 3pm while we ride around on some of the neatest new bikes that Norco and Kona have to offer. We’ll have two demo fleets available to try out free of charge, and maybe even some refreshments and snack too (Read: beer and chips).
We will be supplying bikes, but nothing else (Except beer and chips)! That means you need to bring your helmet and riding gear (We wont share our chamois's even if you ask reeeeeeal nice) as well as what ever nutritionals you water. Also you should bring your own pedals if you have a pair that you dig, it’s more funner that way.
We will be posting a bicycle list as soon as we have one available, but expect really neat, new, squishy bikes. Like Norco Sights and Ranges and Optics and probably some Torrents, and then Kona Processes GALORE. It’ll be super fun.
Also it’s going to be hunting season so wear your orange. Or don’t. Just wear something that doesn’t make you look like a deer please.
Your friends,
Joy Ride Bicycles
Come play bikes with us on October 10th from 10am to 3pm while we ride around on some of the neatest new bikes that Norco and Kona have to offer. We’ll have two demo fleets available to try out free of charge, and maybe even some refreshments and snack too (Read: beer and chips).
We will be supplying bikes, but nothing else (Except beer and chips)! That means you need to bring your helmet and riding gear (We wont share our chamois's even if you ask reeeeeeal nice) as well as what ever nutritionals you water. Also you should bring your own pedals if you have a pair that you dig, it’s more funner that way.
We will be posting a bicycle list as soon as we have one available, but expect really neat, new, squishy bikes. Like Norco Sights and Ranges and Optics and probably some Torrents, and then Kona Processes GALORE. It’ll be super fun.
Also it’s going to be hunting season so wear your orange. Or don’t. Just wear something that doesn’t make you look like a deer please.
Your friends,
Joy Ride Bicycles