Something great happened this month. Something that we've been dreaming about, scheming about, and loosing sleep about. For the past year we have been planning, obtaining permits, chatting with vendors, and all around just hoping we were right. Hoping that the BMX community that we see come through our doors was a rich and vibrant as it was half a decade ago. Turns out it is.
Two weeks ago we hosted our first ever BMX jam, a rider judged, rider run event, that took place at Yauger Park on the West Side of Olympia. The fine folks at Thurston County parks were kind enough to humor our request to host a permitted event at the park that has until recently been a posted skate only park. Change is a great thing.
Two weeks ago we hosted our first ever BMX jam, a rider judged, rider run event, that took place at Yauger Park on the West Side of Olympia. The fine folks at Thurston County parks were kind enough to humor our request to host a permitted event at the park that has until recently been a posted skate only park. Change is a great thing.
The Grand Poobah himself, the biggest fish in the pond, spawner of guppies, the back door boss. Without Trouts tireless efforts this Jam would never have gotten off the ground.
Riders spent the first hour warming up, getting their legs back and dialing back in their go-to's. Later in the day we started to see the hammer drop.
Catch it and it's yours!
Or just say to heck with it and get rad. Who needs new grips anyways? (Well actually nearly everyone here, huge thanks to ODI for supplying a mad huge grab bag of grips to keep everyone jammin)
Through out the day riders took turns cranking it up to 11 and showing each other how it's done.
Mr. Stubbs did what everyone else just talked about. Full bars off the top box like a champ.
Rail Jamz are tough on the body.
Guess who won the new tires? I have a rough idea...
Bunny hop contest went off huge! The final 4 took to the end before finally settling on a top height of....